A significant increase in electric heater sales is the time when people start purchasing products to do early projects to get ready for winter. The “heating season” is a 6 to 8 month time period that starts while it is still warm out and ends while it is still cold out (typically sometime in March).
It has started the following times in past years:
Early October 2016
Early August 2015
Mid August 2014
Late August 2013
Mid September 2012
Early August 2011
Early August 2010
Late September 2009
Early September 2008
Mid August 2007
Early September 2006
The first products that start increasing in sales are roof and gutter heating cable followed by comfort heater sales and finally (December/January) Pipe Heat Trace Cable.
Early season sales has little to do with the winter forecast. They have more to do with what happened last year! Recently we have experienced many brutal winters, normal winters and one of the mildest ever, so the beginning has varied greatly.
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